In Disney Family Thoughts

Disney's on Ice 100 years of Magic...

Seeing a lot of the Disney characters ice skating was pretty cool. A nice family time.
It was so fun and very exciting. It was nice to be with Mika, Kat, Kingston, Zion, Siu, Lei, TisIt wash Fetz and Tumua. Fun times...very fun time

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In Sick Thoughts

I hate being SICK!!!!

It that time of year that I totally hate...sick season! Yup for the next few months, which is the Winter months...I get sick easily. Ever since I was little I would get sick when the weather would change. It's kind of wired but hey that's just me. So right now I'm trying my best to stay in good health but the Sick bug always finds it's way to me...I soo hate that! So I hope that I'll get better's making me too lazy!

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