In Family History Genealogy

Family Search Indexing...helping the world locate their ancestors online!!!!

For the past month I've been doing a helpful cause for the world. Thanks to the Church, I was able to provide information for everyone who is looking for more information about their family through the Internet on the website. The cool thing about this is that you download the program(which is free) and take the image and type in all the info. on a chart and upload it when you're done. This helps the church by taking all copied images from the Church Historic/Genealogical storage unit info. put in their system and have volunteers(like myself) to do the work. This can also help families around the world to do their Temple and Genealogy work for the dead. It's pretty interesting to read the different styles of writing and read the about funky. Doing the work through indexing helped me allot in finding more options for me in finding my family names and to help others who are searching for the right information. I wanted to share that with you all and I hope we all do a little something for those afar and who past.
You can go to or for more information.

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Katharine Wolfgramm Wilson said...

Hi Jaylynn,
GLad to see you're indexing...I was on a roll for a few months but ever since I had baby I haven't gotten back into it..I think I've indexed/extracted approx. 36,000's very relaxing for me,but I really gotta start's directly related to temple work and the greatest part is that anyone can do it, even non-members..alrighty...take care ya, Kat

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