In Dog Pet

In loving memory of Proverb!!!

It was sad news to hear that the Tupuola's beloved dog Proverb died on October 28. She was a good and loving dog towards the family. I'll miss her running through the door and greeting Mika and I in the drive way. It's sad to know that she's gone, but I also know that she's with our Heavenly Father safe and sound. We love you Proverb and you'll be missed!!!

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Ana said...

WHAAT....Proverb died..NO ... from the times i've visited I loved that dog from the start ...despite the fact that i've never smelt a stinker dog fart .. that was the coolest dog ....what happend? too short of a life poor doggie...he will be missed so sad!! ;0(

Ana said...

THe boys were all sad to hear that too! ;0(

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